Building Permits & Regulations
Permits are issued under the current effective Zoning By-laws governing properties in each respective municipality and must be obtained prior to commencement of construction.
Please allow a maximum of fifteen (15) working days to process your permit application.

Applications must include:
- complete legal description and civic addressing of the subject property
- tax roll account number
- owner name, mailing address and contact telephone numbers
- contractor name, mailing address and contact telephone numbers
- site plan showing proposed setbacks of the new construction from property lines and all existing structures on the site.
- If you are not sure on the building setbacks for your property, it is advised to contact our office with your site plan prior to obtaining final blueprints
- two (2) complete sets (one hard copy, one PDF) of blueprints of the proposed construction with a professional engineer’s stamp on the foundation plan valid within one year. All blueprints must meet the 2020 National Building Code Requirements.
- Any permits for accessory structures/garages over 899 sq ft. as of July 1, 2024 will now require stamped prints by a professional engineer
- preserved wood foundations require the engineer provide written "Assurance of Professional Design and Commitment for Inspection’ regarding the architectural and structural integrity of the foundation.
Do You Live Along a Highway?
If you live along a Provincial Road (PR) or a Provincial Trunk Highway (PTH), you may need to get a permit from Manitoba Infrastructure and Transportation (MIT) prior to applying for a building permit
Please see Permit Application Tab for the items listed below:
- Building Permit Application Form
- Demolition Permit Application Form
- Occupancy Permit Application Form
- Sign Permit Application Form
- Home Occupation Permit Form
- Building Permit Fee