Permit Application Forms
Building Permits
Building Permits are obtained from the Brokenhead River Planning District for all construction within the boundaries of the Town of Beausejour and the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead, including the communities of Garson and Tyndall.

Permit Fee Schedule as of February 1, 2025
Building Permit Application (New construction only)
Development Permit Application (Accessory Structures, Renovations)
Detached Garage Permit (any accessory structure on a permanent foundation)
Letter of Authorization (must be completed if the applicant is not the property owner)
Access Permits
Properties located in the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead require an Access Permit for access and culvert installation. Permit applications are available at the RM of Brokenhead Office. Telephone: 204-268-6700
If your site is on a Provincial Road or Highway, an access permit must be obtained from the Manitoba Infrastructure - Highways Planning and Design PRIOR to applying with our office. Please keep in mind that this step may take several weeks and is out of our control.
Highway Planning and Design Telephone: 204-945-3457
Lot Grade Permits
A lot grade permit determines the required minimum elevation to which structures must be built to prevent moisture damage to the foundation from grade run-off. This permit must be filled out with the RM of Brokenhead office prior to applying for a building permit on all new construction dwellings. More information can be found on their website
Electrical Permit
Electrical permits must be obtained from the local Manitoba Hydro office. For more information please visit Manitoba Hydro's website.
Ventilation System:
Certification of the ventilation system is required prior to occupancy of the dwelling.
Wells and Septic Fields
Permits are required and can be obtained from the Manitoba Sustainable Development Office.
Septic: Dave Vielfaure 204-392-4009
Water/Wells: Colin Nataka 204-371-7421