Third Street South Concept - Secondary Plan
The purpose of this Concept Plan, also known as a Secondary Plan, is to provide policies to guide land use and development in the 3rd Street South Concept Plan area.
The Beausejour 3rd Street South Concept Plan is a by-law adopted by the Brokenhead River Planning District (BRPD) Board. The Concept Plan is consistent with the BRPD Development Plan, in accordance with the provisions of The Planning Act.
The 3rd Street South Concept Plan:
- Provides specific policies to guide future growth and development within the concept plan area.
- Maintains the ‘prairie town’ character of the Town of Beausejour, while accommodating multiple forms of housing as development extends outward to the RM of Brokenhead.
- Ensures new neighborhoods are safe, healthy, inclusive, attractive, environmentally conscious, interconnected and walkable.
- Incorporates a linear greenway linkage through the plan area, connecting the Beausejour Recreation Complex, Wally Chryplywy Nature Park and the South end Playground.
Click Here to View the 3rd Street South Concept Plan