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Council Meetings

The Council of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers in the Administration Office at 72013 Road 42E.

Upcoming Meetings:
  • February 11th, 2025
  • February 25th, 2025


List of Public Hearings coming up:

C109 Kharoufeh





































 C109 Kharoufeh































 V420 Rivers Edge








































 V420 Rivers Edge

























Click on link to view:  2023 Audited Financial Statement



To appear as a delegation at a council meeting, please submit a Delegation Registration Form.  This written request must be received at the RM of Brokenhead office by the Thursday before the council meeting.  If you have documentation that you think Council should have, please submit that to the RM of Brokenhead office 5 days before the council meeting as well.  Administration will contact you to schedule an appointment.

The council of the Rural Municipality of Brokenhead is comprised of one reeve and four councillors at large, as the municipality is not split into wards.

The members of council are elected every four years in a general municipal election.  The next general municipal election is to be held in October 2026.

Council is responsible for allocating funds to be spent for municipal services, grants and administration.  These decisions must be in the form of by-laws and resolutions before they can be enforced.