Waterworks Operator
The Waterworks Operator for the LUD of Tyndall-Garson public water system is Tristan Laderoute. He can be contacted at:
Water Treatment Plant: 204-268-4169
Cell phone: 204-266-2021
Email: water@rmofbrokenhead.ca
The 2023 Compliance Audit is complete and documents can be viewed below:
Click the link to view the 2024 Annual Report
Click the link to view the 2024 Bacterial Testing Results
Click the link to view the 2022 Well Chemistry
The LUD of Tyndall-Garson water and sewer project began after the Province of Manitoba Water Stewardship issued a Boil Water Advisory to private wells in the Tyndall and Garson area in July 2000 due to presence of bacterial contamination. This advisory is still in effect and will remain in effect indefinitely.
Residents are required to connect to the municipal water and sewer system by December 2010, as mandated by By-Law No. 2079-08. Anyone not yet connected to the system will be noted. The municipality will then hire a contractor to connect residents to the water and sewer project and the cost will be charged back to the property owner.
Municipal water is supplied by a well located beneath the Water Treatment Plant located in Henryville at 34046 Mile 73N. The water treatment plant operator is Tristan Laderoute and he can be contacted at 268-4169 (treatment plant) or 266-2021 (cell phone).
Water meters are issued by Tristan at the Water Treatment Plant. A water and sewer connection application must be completed at the Administration Office and a $50.00 fee must be paid before the meter will be issued. It is the homeowner’s, or in the case of a rental property, the renter’s responsibility to complete this form and pay the connection fee.
When moving into or out of a house in Tyndall or Garson, it is the account holder’s responsibility to read the water meter and report the reading to the Utility Clerk at the Administration Office for billing purposes and to report any change of address. To read the meter, a flashlight must be shone on the display for the numbers to appear. Cell phone flashlights do not work.
The water and sewer are billed quarterly, as per By-Law 2216-20. The Public Utilities Board implemented a utility rate change that commenced October 1st, 2021. Payments can be made at the RM of Brokenhead Administration Office by cash, cheque, debit, online banking or TIPPs. Current bills can also be paid at Garson Grocery by cash, cheque or debit card up to the due date. There is a $1.00 fee per transaction paid to Garson Grocery for this service. Any over-due accounts must be paid at the RM of Brokenhead office.
Disconnection notices will be posted if an account is in arrears after a certain period of time. The RM of Brokenhead does not permit utility bills to overlap. If unpaid after the notice has been given, the utility will be shut off at the curb stop and a $100.00 re-connection fee and the full amount of the arrears must be paid before the water and sewer will be turned on again.
Bulk Water
Bulk water can be purchased for swimming pools, flooding outdoor rinks, etc. A smart card must be purchased at the Administration Office before water can be released from the system. The smart card has an activation fee of $15.00, and bulk water can be purchased at a rate of $5.00 per cubic meter. Funds can always be added to the smart card for future need of bulk water.