BRPD Development Plan Update

The Brokenhead River Planning District is updating its Development Plan, which is a long-term guiding document that helps communities to direct development and manage change over time.
We are currently going through the process to update the current Development Plan. There was two open house events held, without a formal presentation. Results from the public survey and background review have been shared. There was an opportunity for you to offer your insights on the future growth and development of Beausejour, Tyndall-Garson, and the RM of Brokenhead. Please see the link below for the Open House presentation:
Open House- RM of Brokenhead and Town of Beausejour
The boards shown in the link below summarize the project’s progress to date, including the background review and community survey, and present the emerging vision and principles.
Open House Presentation Boards
The Development Plan Amendment By-law 181-23 Public Hearing was held February 21st, 2024 at 7:00PM at the RM of Brokenhead Council Chambers.  Please see the links below to view the document.
By-Law 181-23 Development Plan- DRAFT
By-Law 181-23 Maps
For further information regarding the draft development plan and for FAQ's, please visit the link here